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En basically verður space combat í leiknum, og það er rail shooter, þannig þú stjórnar ekki geimskipinu heldur miðar bara…


* The space combat is similar at first glance appeared the 1993 Rebel Assault. You fly from a predefined path and slams from opponents. This way of playing is called tunnel-shooter.
* Man, this variant preferred a free game because they deemed tunnel shooter as accessible and could be installed easily events.
* From the bridge of the spaceship can be approached from special hotspots to start such space missions. These hot spots are probably activated by the rise of character.
* Various weapons are available.
* You get quests before you start and in space can also side quests are triggered.
* Spaceship combat is not the core of the game, but a quick snack. Players who have no interest, must play it either.
* Combined soil / All-quest series will not be excluded completely and may well be available in the future.
* A complexity as in X-Wing or TIE Fighter is not available, the space combat is more for casual players. Man ballert a few minutes by filmreif staged space battles.
* The missions do not last particularly long, there will be no missions lasting 15, 20 or 30 minutes.
* There will be many different missions and each environment is different from the others. There will be, for example, a typical asteroid fields.
* If you start a new mission, starting in a different environment with other mission objectives.
* Scenarios, similar to a chase through the trench of the Death Star, should not be missing. is uneventful flight through space by it.
* Escort missions are planned, where you have to accompany a ship and protect them from enemy bombers. Perhaps they also have space stations, destroy or defend.
* In the demo, the task was to shoot down 20 fighters and destroy the capital ship.
* PvP combat in space there seems to be not yet, you meet only on computer-controlled opponents. If published result will be no PvP in space, that could change but at a later time.
* There will be six different types of spacecraft, which depend on the character class. Jedi classes will have the Vanguard-class, while Sith classes will have the Fury class.