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Ég er forvitinn að vita á hvaða miðlara (server) flestir íslensku spilararnir eru á, mér skilst að þeir séu flestir á USA miðlurum.

Ég er EQ spilari sem hef áhuga á að prófa DAoC og hef verið að bauna spurningum á forums á erlendri grundu en lítið verið um svör. Því ætla ég að spyrja hér líka:



I´m a veteran EQ player reading up on DAoC and of course, Interealms doesn´t fail me so here I am. I´m probably in the wrong place too, but I´m hoping for some advice.

I´m totally new to DAoC, not even installed yet but was hoping for some info that I could then relate to my EQ experience. So here I go:

Are there any “needed” classes in DAoC like in EQ (Warrior, Cleric)?

Is it true that every class in DAoC can solo as well?

How long does it take to level from 1-50 in perspective to EQ´s 1-60?

What would make the best duo in DAoC? (Debated question I´m sure, more than one thought welcome)

Which class is currently overpowered and needs nerfing?

What happens at 50? I haven´t seen that there is any highend game cept for RvR, is that correct?

I saw someone mention “twink”, I believed that wasn´t possible in DAoC, was I wrong?

Which classes, if any, are the travelling classes (Druid, Wizard in EQ)?

Are the servers on many locations, Europe - America?

Should I pick any server, random or a particular server? If so, why? (perhaps there is just one) /grin

I think I´ve asked all I remember for now, I´d be grateful for all hints and tips! If it helps any, I played a Rogue (main), Shammie (alt) and Cleric (twink) in EQ all at 60 or close to 60.

Með fyrirfram þökk,

Caaine D´moor