Þetta er mín fyrsta grein og stafsetningin mín er ekki sem best svo ég bið ykkur um að fyrirgefa það!

Gunz Online er án efa besti “Free-to-play” leikur sem ég hef á æfinin prófað. Þetta er þriðju persónu skotleikur í anda matrix þar sem maður getur verið með vopn eins og katana og hnífa, byssur eins og Uzi og overall skammbyssur auk margra annara vopna.

Það er gott leveling system í þessum leik og getur maður keipt sér föt á kallinn (eða konuna) til að gera persónuna flottari og betri.

hér eru nokkrar greinar af síðuni á ensku.

Creation of Diverse and Unique Characters

GunZ has a variety of character models to choose from. That's not all. You can also equip a number of different clothes and items depending on your personal tastes. Once you equip items, your avatar will also look different depending on the ones you have choosen. GUNZ supports 12 item slots in total, which allows the players to customize fully their choosen avatar.

A Variety of Weapons and Items Supported

You can select weapons as well as clothes and accessories. Choose the weapons that you want and join the battle. You can dash at your enemy whilst being equipped with a variety of arms: pistols, rifles, twin guns, machine guns and more!

In addition, many weapons are offered for close quarters combat. You can use a long sword to suspend yourself from a wall or propel an enemy skyward. If daggers are more your style, you can dash about and stab your enemies from behind. All the weapons are available in a variety of designs and colors too, so you can use the weapons as fashion items as well.

Astra Continent, Age of Adventure

This is the Astra Continent, the world of fantasy, where a strong push toward modernization followed Industrial Cataclysm.

50 years on from the end of the war between the Republic and the Empire, the age of adventure has arrived. Adventurers, treasure hunters and bounty hunters cross the border between the Empire and the Republic.

It is up to you to face the notorious outlaws and bounty hunters in battle, spy on your enemies and other adventurers, who wander around the world testing their strengths and powers. It is up to you whether you decide to compete and fight against them, or join hands to help them.

You must now set foot on your journey as an adventurer - keep watch for the secret treasures handed down from generation to generation from the ancient times, they may aid you in your quest.

However, be warned! This adventure comes not without risk - and you never know what surreal existances you may encounter on your path!

Og hérna eru svo nokkur screenshots úr leiknum ^^


Ef þið viljið lesa meira er þetta linkurinn http://gunzonline.com/

There hope you like it! ZZ OUT!