Gorguts mastermind Luc Lemay has confirmed recent rumors regarding the band's reformation (the group originally split in 2005). Lemay sent the following statement to Lambgoat earlier this morning:

“After all the posts on metal websites and forums lately, I've decided that it was time for me to confirm all the rumors about Gorguts making a new record! So, yes I've been working on new material since August/September 2008.

”The idea came together after the suggestion from my long time, partner in crime: Steeve Hurdle. One evening after a Negativa rehearsal, Steeve brought up the fact that 2009 being the 20th anniversary of Gorguts, it would be nice for me to give to the fans a new record! I immediately loved the idea, and not long after I started writing material for this record.

“Then I got in touch with John Longstreth (Origin, Dim Mak), and John said ‘yes’ right away! John and I have been writing to each other for a few years, and we both had, back then, the intention of doing some kind of musical project together. Then I knew from square one that I wanted to have Colin Marston on bass. Big Steeve showed me some Dysrhythmia videos…. that's how I got blown away by the playing and musical style of Kevin Huffnagel! At my big surprise they both agreed to be part of my next record! So finally, I got to jam for the first time with John this past January and we've put together 3 songs with drums and guitars.

”In the meantime, the search for a female vocalist for Negativa continues, and the writing process within the band is very active. We have a massive, intricate musical landscape ready for your ears to be discovered.“

”I want to thank, from the heart, all the fans that have been supporting Gorguts through all those years… it's because of you that I found my place and my voice as an artist. I can't wait to share this new record with you."

Sæææll! :D
Þetta er uppáhalds hljómsveitin mín, og nú eru þeir komnir aftur, Ný plata, og ég vona að þeir túri eitthvað, mér er sama hvert, ég SKAL vera á staðnum.
Ég er mjög ánægður með það að bönd sem höfðu hætt eru farin að koma aftur, Cynic, Atheist, Pestilence.

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