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Converge - Unloved And Weeded Out CD - 1000kr.
Þið þekkið þetta. Ef þið eruð á annað borð að grúska í extreme tónlist þá er þetta eitt virtasta bandið í bransanum…yfir línuna, óháð skilgreiningum.
Converge had some intense songs hidden away and now they are out, as well as the demo versions of several of the best songs from When Forever Comes Crashing. And the 2 live songs from Chain Reaction surely captured the insanity that was present at that show. Truly an amazing release.

Circus Act - Sleepwalking The Tightrope CD Ö 400kr
Melódískt post punk í anda Small Brown Bike og Hot Water Music. Nef fyrir lagasmiðum. Hrátt og lifandi.

Modern Machines - Taco Blessing CD - 500kr.
Virkilega magnað pönk með gríðarlegum karakter, kærileysislegur bóhemisminn liggur í loftinu, lagasmiðar með kjöt á beinunum, tilvalið í partíið eða þegar maður er að drekka frá sér vit, einn á báti.
Listening to “Taco Blessing’s” first track “Zero Kid” really brings individuals back to the heydays of Gilman St; Modern Machines come through with the intensity of a band like early Descendents while still having a pop-punk edge a la Pinhead Gunpowder and “Blue Room-era” Unwritten Law. The recording might be a little fuzzy, but the sizzling guitars and catchy lyrics of the band still shine through as bright as day. The second salvo from Modern Machines covers much of the same ground as “Zero Kid”, while moving back to the days of The Dickies for the the distinct vocal flow.
Modern Machines succeed in creating a distinct sound in twenty minutes that it takes some bands over a decade to compile. Twenty-one minutes has the weight of over an hour when one considers the care in which the band stuffs each track.
- [JMcQ]

LENGTH OF TIME - Shame To This Weakness Modern World CD - 400kr.

Klassíkst H8000 belgíu metalcore. Þungt og grípandi með endalausar skírskotanir í fjöldamorðingja.
L.O.T embraces a very dark and pessimistic vision on humanity and is in total war with the morose atmosphere of our world. All members growing up with the metal and hardcore from the 80's, L.O.T offers a wide variety in the musical part and every new release sounds different..last year was the release for their ‘shame on this weakness modern world’, and is their most aggressive and hardest one.

TIDES - Resurface CD - 500KR.
40 mínútur af myljandi metal, ambient fíling og þungum riffum.
“this young band has all the pieces to elbow their way into the crowd of Isis, Pelican and Neurosis with an air of confidence and the musical ability to match…deserves your undivided active listening skills.” - Metalreview.com

“triumphantly epic instru-metal”
- The Boston Phoenix

E.T.A. - No Faith CD - 1000kr
Ástæðan fyrir því að þessi diskur er ekki ódýrari hjá mér er einfaldlega sú að ég vil ekki að einhver andskotans jólasveinn kaupi hann bara af því að hann var ódýr og láti hann svo safna ryki innan um einhverja steindauða flatneskjumúsík. Ótrúlega magnað Sænskt hc/punk í yfirklassa.

HE'S NO GOOD TO ME DEAD - 74 minutes of extreme music CD - 500kr.
An essential gathering of the grimiest in US sludgecore. He's No Good To Me Dead features 74 minutes of exclusive tarpit metal from GRIEF,BONGZILLA, SOUR VEIN, NEGATIVE REACTION, and SUBSANITY! Band by band,you have: NEGATIVE REACTIONS, with three tunes, MMU Man, Cosmic Vertical Overlap, and Hurtling Through the Cosmos, all with an amped up SLEEP/SABBATH Vol. 4 cosmic doom vibe. GRIEF lay down plodding, feedback drenched extreme doomcrust. Actually, these songs are a bit more uptempo crustcore than most of their earlier stuff.You can hear the DISRUPT lineage here, but it's still straight suicidal doom sludge. SUBSANITY grind out a unique mix of crusty death metal riffs, doom tempos, and sludge style vocals.BONGZILLA contribute two live tracks, The sound quality is great and the performance is crushing. SOUR VEIN feature ex-members of BUZZOVEN,CAVE IN, and 13.Like a more rocking stripped down version of BUZZOVEN, huge slurred sludge riffs hammering at your skull. This is a high quality compilation, essential for fans of sludgecore, doom, and crustcore.

MODERN LIFE IS WAR - Midnight in America CD - 1500KR
Nýjasta platan frá mögulega einni af bestu hljómsveitum samtímans. Tónlist fyrir lengra komna. Ef þú hefur eitthvað fylgst með á töflunni þá ætti nafnið að hringja bjöllum.

WALLS OF JERICHO - All Hail The Dead CD - 600kr.
Slayer riff upp um alla veggi og mikið ofbeldi.
All Hail The Dead is Walls Of Jericho's strongest release to date, a culmination of honest growth and experience – a combination of ferocity, maturity, heartfelt emotion, technical brilliance…
The is Slayer riff-inspired Metal with Hardcore song structures. The power chord progressions are just brutal, and the drum fills are unbelievable precise. I want these guys to be a Metal band - I don't want the terms “Hardcore” or “Metalcore” to ever describe them. - Under The Volcano magazine
is is well evidenced in the opening title cut (if not throughout the disc). It is all about atmosphere; and the atmosphere here is absolutely hostile. Be forewarned. - Metal Rules

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