Hey there! Here another update from the Severe Torture camp! The albumrecordings are close to finished, Dennis is almost done recording vocals and everything is turning out great!

Here are some new details about the record, as far as we can already spread around. The new album will be entitled “Sworn Vengeance” and will contain the following 10 songs (in no particular order):

Buried Hatchet,
Countless Villains,
Dismal Perception,
Dogmasomatic Nausea,
Redefined Identity,
Repeated Offender,
Serenity Torn Asunder,
Sworn Vengeance,
Fight Something,
Submerged in Grief.

Artwork will again be handled by Killustrations who also took care of our artwork for the Fall of the Despised record. So look out for more news on Sworn Vengeance over the next couple of weeks as further details are unraveled.
Cheers Severe Torture

Severe Torture, fyrsta BDM bandið sem ég byrjaði að hlusta á fyrir sirka 2 árum eða svo og hef verið diggur aðdáandi æ síðan, þessi diskur mun líklega toppa árið hjá mér.
Engir aðrir looking forward?

Hér má finna einhver lög, brutaldeath metall eins og hann gerist bestur: http://www.myspace.com/severetorture