Eitthvað nýtt af gorgoroth :

09.01.2007 - Documentary
VICE Films (Peter Beste) are now in Norway making a documentary about Gaahl and
Gorgoroth. It will appear on a Vice DVD with several other related segments. The
first pressing of this DVD is 100,000 units, and will be distributed in all
major music retailers in the US, and most in Europe.

08.01.2007 - Gorgoroth at Party.San 2007
Gorgoroth have been confirmed for this year's edition of the Party.San Open Air
festival, set to take place August 9-11, 2007 in Bad Berka, Germany.

07.01.2007 - Gaahl released - King in LA
Last month Gaahl was finally released from prison after being jailed since the
spring of 2006.
King will be in Los Angeles from 14th - 22nd of January to do promotional work
for himself and Gorgoroth at the NAMM show. The press can inquire
info@triadapromotion.se for further details and arrangements.

02.01.2007 - Spellemann nomination!
Gorgoroth has been nominated in the “Metal” category at the 35th annual
Spellemann awards (the Norwegian equivalent to the Grammy Awards). The largest
and oldest Norwegian music awards show will be held Saturday, January 27 at the
Thalia Theater, Chateau Neuf in Oslo, Norway and will be broadcast live on the
Norwegian channel TV2.