Tekið eftir því að sumir hafa verið að setja einhver svona ljóð hér með illum boðskap, ég er frekar lélegt skáld, sérstaklega á ensku en ég ætla samt að setja hérna tvö ljóð..

Who knows what brings tomorrow
If the night is longer then the day
Who knows what brings this sorrow
Where everybody is just ,, Okay,,

Tommorow new day arises
Rises from the ashes of the night
And bring people daylight to their lives
Until the darkness drowns it and swallows
On the night

But what if, one day
The night completely drowns the light
Will people then be ok?
When there will always be night

Then powerful forces will be released
And not on the good side
Bring people pain and disease
When the light is completely drowned by the night

People will run and seek hide
Hoping someone will come for rescue
Searching for god, help from the light
But they will soon realise
That god is dead!

Some unholy goth kid walked down the street
He found some way to get himself to bleed
He took his pocket hnife and cut his eyes
Cursing and swearing for that christian cunts lies
He took his his eyeball with his knife out
And yelled ,,Satan will rule this world!!,, loud
He found and sacrificed a goat in an unholy ceremony

Ég ætti að taka mér lengri tíma í ljóð því ég sem þau útfrá rímum en ekki einhverju öðru, finnst bara gaman að semja sýrð rímu ljóð, hef gert nóg af þeim, hehe…