Heimasíða Megadeths er hætt .. Dave Mustaine fór í brjálæðiskast í gær og er núna búinn að slökkva á síðunni !

Gaurinn er eitthvað ruglaður, hann var að kalla alla þá sem voru þarna “svikara” og svo á endanum slökkti hann á síðunni.

Ástæðan fyrir því að hann slökkti á síðunni var útaf því að eitthverjir gaurar útí heimi voru að búa til svona skoðanakannanir varðandi hvern þeir vildu sjá á Megadeth tónleikum og fengu gömlu hljómsveita mennirnir (Marty, Nick og co.) fleiri atkvæði heldur en það “line-up” sem hann er með núna.

A.m.k var hann að segja það, svona skrifaði hann 2 (kannski) seinustu svör..


I was in the dressing room tonight and the guys told me some of you have been conducting lame polls about former members compared to my new bandmates.

Let me remind you:

Comparing James to Junior . . . James wins. Junior sued me for 18.5 million and lost, dragged me, my band, and family through the mud.

James only wants to rock and please y'all. How could you be so stupid?

Comparing Glen to Al . . . Glen wins. Al was good, very good in fact, but his heart was elsewhere. And I have seen Al purposely sign his name over my face on albums and photos, talk poorly about me when I have gone out of my way to say how good he was.

Comparing Glen to Marty . . . Glen wins. Marty quit to be a guitarist for a chick in Japan and play pop, he wears kimonos, and high heel platform shoes now. I told him after RISK that we had to go back to our roots and play metal and he quit.

Comparing Glen to Jeff . . . Glen wins. Jeff was a great guitarist but was disinteresed in matching previous guitar solos by Chris, and he alledgedly hit on Diana. Jeff was also much more suited to do his own thing and in a different type of music.

Comparing Glen to Chris . . . Glen wins. Chris plays jazz, always has, and never played the same solo two nights in a row. I must say that Glen borderline worships Chris though.

Glen only wants to rock and please y'all. How could you be so stupid?

Comparing Shawn to Jimmy . . . Shawn wins. Jimmy was not very happy around Megadeth, and that made it hard to be around him. Compare any studio album to Rude Awakening and you will see he did not care to play the songs the way they were recorded.

Comparing Shawn to Nick . . . Shawn wins. I tried to work things out again with Nick but he is not here for a reason; he was sent home becuase he was not prepared and he can't play Megadeth songs anymore.

Comparing Shawn to Gar . . . now this is hard, and I will say its a tie. They are both fantastic.

Otherwise Shawn only wants to rock and please y'all. How could you be so stupid?

And although this does not apply to everyone, you offend me when you post polls on my site about who wants to see who back in Megadeth.

These are my boys, love em or leave.

And I am not kidding.”

og svo nokkrum klst seinna …


Just for clarification . . .this is my site. You are offending my boys. Now you tell me you don't agree with me defending my guys?

Bye-bye! There will be plenty of vacation time for you to think about it.

And while your at it, get in a band and once you have accomplished what these guys have and then have people talk garbage about you, then, and only then will I consider your opinion.

This place is one of the best places in all of cyberspace. You know why? Because we are fair, we treat people right, we tolerate a myriad of BS.

I am fed up with this and it is over. You don't like it? Go someplace else. And you will go someplace else because you will be banned immediately if you have a problem with how I feel about the incessant insults from pukes who don't know these guys, who have never seen them live, and ARE TOO FRIGGING STUPID TO KNOW THAT I WAS HERE TO SEE WHAT THESE OTHER GUYS DID AND YOU WERE NOT!

No one is without guilt and you of all people should know that I copped to making mistakes over the years, but I will not put up with this crap.

End of story. I can just shut the whole site down, I don't give a shit!”

Btw, fyrra svarið hét : “Et tu Bruti?” sem þýðir (af þeim sem þýddu það þarna á megadeth.com svikarar)

Skil alveg svosem afhverju hann varð svona brjálaður, en að “Guð” margra þarna sé að kalla mann svikara og svo enda með því að slökkva á síðunni útaf
SKOÐAKÖNNUNUM er bara fáááranlegt. Þegar ég las þessi svör hans leið mér illa. Að “guð”inn manns sé að skamma mann, maður sem maður er búinn að eyða peningi í og dýrkar sé að ráðast nánast á mann.

Mjög slæmt mál að mínu mati, en já, segið ykkar skoðanir á þessu. Og þetta er líka svona frétt fyrir þá sem eru Megadeth fans.
Their sword will become our plow, and from the tears of war the daily bread of future generations will grow.