Eins og flestir vita þá er hljómsveitin Fear Factoru hætt. Hljómsveitin hefur víst átt í einhverju vandræðum síðastsliðina mánuði og hefur víst verið mikið um rifrildi í bandinu. Söngvari sveitarinnar ákvað að yfirgefa bandið vegna þess að hann gafst hreinlega bara upp á því að vera í bandinu. Opinberlega ástæðan fyrir að bandið hætti var að seinasta plata sveitarinnar seldist ekki nægilega vel og því gáfust þeir bara upp.

Eftirfrandi var skrifað af söngvara sveitarinnar þegar hann hætti:

“On Saturday, March 2nd, 2002, I met with all the members of FEAR FACTORY. At that meeting I announced my personal feelings about the present situation within the band. I have been unhappy for quite sometime both interpersonally, and business wise, and that has rendered me creatively restrained. After extensive deliberation within my self, I decided that the best possible answer I was comfortable with was to leave the band.

This is not a whimsical advance into the unknown, it is something that I have been thinking about for quite sometime. I have kept my feelings and realizations to myself until it was evident that it was a relationship that was unproductive to me as an artist. This decision was a sudden development to most everyone to whom I am familiar with.

We have experienced many highs, and just as many lows in the span of 12 years, and I do not regret a single moment. I have searched within me, every possible avenue of execution in making this decision and I feel that for me, and my growth as an artist, moving forward is the best possible solution. I would like to extend my wishes to the guys “the best of luck in their future endeavors”. I will miss the relationship I had with the fans and I want to thank them for their support through all the years.

Burton C. Bell”