Ég tel að langflestir metal unnendur kannist við það að til eru bönd sem spila eingöngu instrumental tónlist. Langflest þessara banda spila aftur á móti ekki metal sem getur flokkast meðal þyngstu undirflokka þungarokksins, heldur tónlist sem er of létt fyrir margan hardcore metalistans. En nú er s.s. breyting hér á…

Tekið af heimasíðu Edge of Time tímaritsins:

It is an overlooked phenomenon. The majority of extreme metal fans consciously or subconsciously dismiss instrumental progressive metal because in their opinion the music is too
complex, either self-indulgent (for musicians only) or it is simply not heavy enough. The majority of prog metal fans consciously or subconsciously dismiss extreme metal because of the lack of musical complexity, emphasis on the lyrically fantastic or the extremity of the vocals. Why is this relevant you might ask? Well, because there is finally a band that has is capable of either bridging both musical tastes or shying away everyone. I personally believe in the former.

by Christian Rademaker

Kíkið á http://www.mindcage.com/edge/sounds/sounds.shtml og downloadið einu lagi með þeim á mp3.
Resting Mind concerts