Ert þú í hljómsveit sem vill eitthvað og er að gera hluti af fullri alvöru? Lesið þá þetta vandlega!

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Win A Record Contract With NUCLEAR BLAST RECORDS - Aug. 11, 2005
Nuclear Blast Records is offering young unsigned bands a chance to sign a record deal. In a unique contest that is said to be the first of its kind in Nuclear Blast's history, you can now win a contract with one of the leading independent labels for heavy music.

If you are a “fresh-sounding” rock or metal band, you already satisfy all the requirements needed to participate in this contest. The contest will remain open between August 1, 2005 and December 31, 2005. As a consolation prize, you can win a chance to have your music available for download at the Nuclear Blast Musicstore (the download platform of Nuclear Blast) and a support slot for a Nuclear Blast band.

The contest is presented in collaboration with the following magazines:

Metal Hammer (Germany)
Metal Hammer (Spain)
Metal Hammer (Italy)
Rock Hard (France)
Inferno (Finland)
Scream (Norway)
Close-Up (Sweden)

All you have to do is to send your demo (with biography and band picture) to this address:

Nuclear Blast
Band Contest 2005
Oeschstraße 40
73072 Donzdorf

Or send your MP3s (maximum three songs ? also with biography and photo) to this address:

Meira info á


Ég hvet eindregið þau íslensk bönd sem eru starfandi og eru að starfa af fullri alvöru að taka sig saman, setja saman flott demó og senda inn. Ég legg mikla áherslu á að þeir sem taka þátt í þessu geri demó með 2-3 lögum í góðum gæðum. Það er til mikils að vinna… Betra að gera styttra demó í góðum gæðum en lengra demó í lélegum gæðum. Einnig að vanda til umslagsins og hafa alla umgjörð eins góða og hægt er… Það telur einnig.

Meiri upplýsingar og reglur eru að finna hérna:

Resting Mind concerts