Dökku rólyndispiltarnir í Dark Tranquillity hafa skellt myndbandinu við lagið Lost To Apathy á netið fyrir okkur til að njóta. Þetta lag er alveg hrikalega gott og er væntanlegt á Skjá Einn innan skamms.

Tékkið á þessu:


Þess má svo geta að Character, nýja platan þeirra er að gera virkilega góða hluti og eftirfarandi er hvernig plötunni gekk strax eftir að hún var gefin út í janúar:

#83 in the official German album charts
#3 in the official Swedish album charts
#1 in the official Swedish metal charts
#57 in the official Italian album charts
#30 in the official Finnish album charts
#1 in the official Greek metal charts
#39 in official UK rock charts
#57 Official Italian charts
#30 Official charts in Finland

Guttarnir höfðu þetta að segja um málið (tekið af heimasíðunni þeirra)

“Weird! After having spent 16 years writing and performing songs for a small but devoted subculture, we suddenly find our new album on position #3 in the national Swedish album chart -and all this without having to compromise one single bit with our music.

Our aim has always been to do our own thing without paying too much attention to the current norms in the music scene; to give people time to change to appreciate our particular brand of mayhem rather than having us changing our music in a vain attempt to gain mass appeal. It seems like that time finally is here - and it's not a decade too late!

We'd like to thank all of you who have taken the initiative of buying ”Character“, and we're truly flattered by the fantastic feedback and reviews given so far. The chart position is a great way to kick off the European tour with Kreator, Hatesphere and Ektomorf, starting in just a few days. See you down the road!”

Einnig er svo hægt að nálgast lagið Through Smudged Lenses af þessari plötu á þessari slóð: http://www.centurymedia.de/century/mainarea/audio.aspx?id=dark_tranquillity__through_smudged_lenses.rm

Lost to Apathy er hérna: http://mp4.centurymedia.com/audio/dt_losttoapathy.mp3

Fyrir þá sem ekki hafa heyrt í þessari sveit, þá eru nokkur eldri tóndæmi hérna:

Monochromatic Stains (af Damage Done) - http://mp3.centurymedia.com/DarkTranquillity_DamageDone_MonochromaticStains.mp3

Feast of Burden (af Haven) - http://mp3.centurymedia.com/DT_Haven_FeastOfBurden.mp3

There In (af Projector) - http://mp3.centurymedia.com/DarkTranquillity_Projector_ThereIn.mp3

www.darktranquillity.com er svo heimasíða guttana :)
Resting Mind concerts