Kittie "Metal Is The Only Way To Go" Kanadísku lessunar í kittie hafa sagt að aðdáendurnir og gagngrýnundur
munu verða frekar hissa með stefnuna sem verður tekin á næsta disk

Söngkonan Morgan Lander sagði“We're getting started on the next album,
and although nothing has been set in stone there is only one direction to
go in… And that's METAL! There is not going to be any singing, just death
metal screaming!”

þær eru búnar að birta nöfn á nokkrum lögum þeirra, en þau munu heita
'Pain' og ‘Mouth Full Of Poison’

“I don't know how to describe ‘Pain’,” seigir Morgan. “It's still Kittie, but it's
more out and out metal Kittie ‘going back to our metal roots’ so to speak!

”'Mouth Full Of Poison' it's a very nice song. It's nice and heavy, kind of
more in a hardcore vein. It's about people who are mean and try to start
rumours to bring other people down, and we've been through an incident
like that."

Ef þetta lofar ekki góðu þá veit ég ekki hvað…….. en við meigum eiga von á
disknum seinna á þessu ári!