Slipknot, en og aftur Slipknot, sem eru núna að vinna að sinni þriðju plötu með producerinnum
Ross Robinson, hafa hætt við gigið sitt á grammy verðlaunahátíðinni, 20
feb næst komandi á Palace Theater í Los Angeles.

Aðal maðurinn Corey Taylor (#8) hefur gefið út þessa tilkynningu fyrir
hönd slipknots“Although we'd love to do a show for our California fans,
unfortunately we are entirely too consumed with the recording process
right now. We will make this right at the earliest possible convenience, but
as with all things, we are committed to putting every bit of our energy into
making this album the best it can be, because we will settle for nothing
less, and our fans deserve that and more. So to all our crazy maggots out
there, we apologize. Stay ”sic“ and stay tuned.”

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