Metallica spilar tvær útgáfur af “Master of Puppets” á sviði. Ein útgáfan endar áður en hægi hluti lagsins byrjar - og hin er fulla útgáfa lagsins eins og er á “Master of Puppets” plötunni.
Master of Puppets
Lagið á Sviði:
Síðan lagið var gefið út hefur það nánast alltaf verið hluti af tónleikum Metallica.
Besta sóló allra tíma:
Sólóið í “Master of Puppets” náði 51. sæti á “100 Best Solos Ever Reader's Choice” í september 1998 í “Guitar World”.
Primus tók upp “Master of Puppets”. Holochaust og Limp Bizkit spiluðu lagið aðeins á tónleikum.
“Master of Puppets” hefur verið líkt við Anthrax fyrir “I'm The Man!” og The Pulp fyrir “Metal Techno”.
Kjarni Lagsins:
Það er um eiturlyf(sérstaklega heróín), fíkn og afleiðingar þess
Ef að lagið jafnar Umbúðir (coverið) á plötunni, stendur lagið fyrir það hvernig Yfirvöld stjórna lífum hermanna og senda þá í opinn dauðann. En eftir texta lagsins passa umbúðirnar betur við lagið “Disposable Heroes”.
The government: Hendurnar með strengjunum sem tengjast hvítu krossunum á jörðinni. Hendurnar eru í himninum vegna þess aðThe hands are in the sky because
-í táknrænum skilningi stendur ríkisstjórnin yfir öllu öðru.
-Ríkisstjórnin Stjórnar - Tekur í stengina.
Hermennirnir: Standa fyrir hvítu krossana sem að eru notaðir við gröf hermanna sem dóu af völdum stríðs. Við krossinn vinstramegin á umbúðunum er her hjálmur og við miðju krossinn er her.
Kennsl hangir á. Háa grasið gæti verið upplýsingar um að gravirnar eru gamlar eða það að nafnlausir hermenn eru að falla inn í vana.
Hljómsveitin um “Master of Puppets”
Kirk Hammett: I used a Mesa-Boogie Mark 2C amp and a black Randy Rhoads custom Jackson guitar. For the four-bar fill at the beginning of the song, the rest of the guys wanted something high and screeching, but I came up with something a bit more percussive and riff-like, a flatted fifth-type figure. I got this real raunchy, over distorted sound which clashed well with the tight rythm sound James had. James played the first solo in that song, which is a great solo. I worked on the next solo for a couple of days - getting it tight was a real task for me. While recording the track, my hand accidently pulled a string off the neck, and it grounded on the neck pick-up, giving me something like a high D. It sounded like I slid up to a super high note that isn't even on the neck, so we left it. For the next solo we used backwards guitar parts. To get them I played a bunch of guitar parts that were in the same key as the song and laid them down on quarter-inch tape. Then we flipped the tape over and edited it, so we had two or three minutes of backwards guitar. We put it in the last verse of the song.
James Hetfield: I think we wanted to write another song like “Creeping Death” - with open chords carried by the vocals and a real catchy chorus. On “Master of Puppets” [album] we started getting into the longer, more orchestrated songs. It was more of a challenge to write a long song that didn't seem long. The riff for that song was pretty messy - constantly moving it works good live; people love to scream “Master!” a couple of times. (source: GuitarWorld issue of ‘91)
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Master of Puppets
Um dóp fíkn
“End of passion play, crumbling away”
“I’m your source of self-destruction”
- I = Dópið trepur þig
“Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear”
- The darkest = heróín
“Leading on your death's construction”
- Ræður örlögum þínum
“Taste me you will see”
“More is all you need”
- Verða Háður
“You're dedicated to”
“How I'm killing you”
“Come crawling faster”
“Obey your master”
- Master = dóp
“Your life burns faster”
“Obey your master”
“Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings”
- Dópið stjórnar þér núna
“Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams”
- Áhrif dópsins
“Blinded by me, you can't see a thing”
- Getur ekki séð að það er að drepa þig
“Just call my name, ‘cause I’ll hear you scream”
“Just call my name, ‘cause I’ll hear you scream”
“Needlework the way, never you betray”
- Needlework = Freisting um bötnun
“Life of death becoming clearer”
“Pain monopoly, ritual misery”
- Þú ert að spila með líf þitt
“Chop your breakfast on a mirror”
- Breakfast = Taka kókaín á spegli; eða eða heróín ef mirror = skeið
“Taste me you will see”
“Come crawling faster”
“Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings”
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Bassadót: FBass BN5 & MusicMan Bongo5 -> Line6 Relay G50 -> Ampeg PF500 -> Ampeg PF210HF