Bassaleikari hljómsveitarinnar Metallica, Jason Newsted, hefur ákveðið að yfirgefa bandið. Í gær sendi Jason frá sér yfirlýsingu um brottfar sitt frá hljómsveitinni: “Due to private and personal reasons, and the physical damage that I have done to myself over the years while playing the music that I love, I must step away from the band. This is the most difficult decision of my life, made in the best interest of my family, myself, and the continued growth of Metallica. I extend my love, thanks, and best wishes to my brothers: James, Lars, and Kirk and the rest of the Metallica family, friends, and fans whom have made these years so unforgettable.” Jason hefur verið í hljómsveitinni frá árinu 1986 er hann tók við bassaskildum af Cliff Burton sem lést skömmu áður. Restin af bandiu segist muna sakna hans þar sem hann var bæði frábær bassaleikari og góður vinur.