Var að tala við Gunna og hann er að fara að keppa aftur á laugardaginn. Sú keppni fer fram í Galway á Norður-Írlandi og heitir UFR 10 - Tribal Warfare. Andstæðingur hans þar er Adam Slawinski sem mun vera litháískur wrestler. Veit lítið um hann en fann þó þetta frá móti í apríl sl. sem heitir MMA League Limerick 2007:
“The Fighting Ireland prize for Best Submission was awarded to Adam Slawinski of Baltic Fighters Kilkenny for a tremendous comeback to win by arm bar.”

Adam þessi átti að berjast við Liam O'Toole en sá mun eiga í einhverjum meiðslum á kné. Því þurfti Liam að draga sig út úr bardaganum og Gunna var boðið í dag að koma í hans stað. Hér er eitthvað sem ég fann um þetta, þ.e. þá sem áttu að berjast:
“Liam O'Toole is one of the most dynamic grapplers to come out of SBG Northside, constantly moving, transitioning and pushing hard toward that submission, Liam has proved a handful every time he has stepped on to the mat, be it in submission grappling or in the MMA League, this promising young fighter just oozes potential, that he hopes to realise when he steps into the ring for the first time in Galway.
His opponent, Adam Slawinski, fights out of Poland by way of Kilkenny where he trains in the Baltic Fighters club. Currently leading the superlight weight division in the League Adam is as tough as he is skilled, capable of absorbing punishment and coming back stronger, he is blazing a submission streak through his amateur matches.

This collision of two mat magicians will surely be a rapid fire submissions fest, first one to blink loses!”