Held að flestir hafa heyrt um TAPOUT merkið sem hefur sponserað marga bardagamenn. En um daginn fór ég til félaga minns og hann var buin að ná í eitthvað “felony fights” sem er svipað og Bumfights og svoleiðs viðbjóður þar sem gaurar og konur og gaurar á móti konum voru að slást þanngað til hinn lá meðvitundarlaus í blóðpolli eða eitthvað álíka. Stundum 2 á móti 2. Stundum stelpa með vopn (kendo sverð) á móti strák.

En síðan var einn gaur með tattúverað TAPOUT á magana á sér og fór ég að skoða þetta betur þá foru flestir í tapout bolum og svona þarna. Svo fór ég á síðuna hjá tapout sem er frekar klámfenginn og fólk að commenta skíta svörum og svona

en langaði að athuga er Tapout bara krimmar? sem styðja klíkur og svona? veit einhver meira um þetta mál

Hérna koma nokkur komment frá síðunni þeirra

I am a Professional MMA fighter and I 100% do NOT Support your product. 1. you guys do not support the sport of MMA, just bullshit, sex, and gangs. You guys disrespect women, and have ugly ass fuckin' hoodlum wanna be's. You guys don't even know what a real Bad Ass is? 2. Your shorts suck and not true to sizes. I hope you guys are only a FAD that will die away real soon. Every where I go, people say Tapout is dying out. I will never want to be sponsored by you guys when I become Champ. You guys all suck, you guys are nothing but board surfing shorts and add a fuckin' label. Fuck you guys and Go Straight to HELL, OH and believe me you will, Damn low life, gangsta wanna be fucks.

Og meira valið af handhófi

Dude, the site sucks so bad. The first time I saw an advertisement of Tapout, I didn't even know what to think. People like you obviously have no respect of Jiu-jitsu or MMA of any sort. It's a fucking game isn't it? All I've got to say is that non of the Tapout crew could hang at my school. Tapout tries to push this hardcore persona, but in reality they are just a bunch of jackasses that make a living off of people dumb enough to buy their shit. It's so damn lame and hopefully all of you grow up. Oh yeah, what does half-naked women have anything to do with MMA? No one thinks that you are cool at all. I've been reading these comments and I think that we all agree that Tapout is a bunch of morons that haven't a damn clue what MMA REALLY is! Just a bunch of 90's maintstream bullshit. Oh yeah, and those camo pants look pretty gay. And what the hell is that stuff on your body? It's like you told the tattoo guy to scribble a little here and there and well, everywhere. My work is done here. Tapout is nothing but a bunch of morons.

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