Championship Manager 5 Update

Eidos announced today that CM5 will not be coming out in October as previously stated. Eidos is continuing to work towards release of the PC version of the game shortly before Christmas, although this may extend into the New Year. As previously stated, the much anticipated XBox and PS2 versions of Championship Manager 5 remain firmly on track for release in Spring 2005 and the online version will be available through subscription shortly after the PC game’s release.

The delay is due to BGS's continued efforts to make CM5 the best version of the series so far, and the team are busily putting the finishing touches to what we believe will be a truly great version of Champ Man.

Only once BGS have added the finishing touches and Eidos are completely happy with CM5 will the game hit the shops, further announcements regarding release dates will follow accordingly.

Jæja þá Eidos samir við sig… Þekktir fyrir seinkun en skv. þessu kemur leikurinn ekki út fyrr enn nálægt jólum jafnvel eftir jól.. Þannig að Nú er það aðeins FM í bili að minnsta kosti..