Ég var að uppfæra patchinn, þeir hjá SIgames breyttu honum víst aðeins svo að þið sem sóttuð hann í gær eða fyrradag (14 og 15 janúar) ættuð að spá í að sækja hann aftur.

Annars er hérna það sem var lagað í þessum patch:
“Patch 3 - 4.1.4
- Fixed network game bug where client scorelines differed to server due to clash of post and pre 4.1.3 tactics
- Fixed 4-4-1-1 and 4-2-3-1-dk
- Full match mode now skips ”dead time“ again
- Fixed problem where user couldnt make a sub immediately after certain incidents
- Fixed obscure crash that occured when human's goalkeeper red carded
- Improved storage lifetime of match stats for background leagues and ED1/ISB level matches in foreground

Match AI v224
- Cut down on hurried and pointless hopeful passes from decent players
- Improved shooting AI…more range of different shots
- Improved computer team AI when utilising free role wide players eg Pires
- Made fiery and temperamental players more likely to dissent or lose temper
- Tweaked player clean through detection AI
- Slight tweaks to goalkeeper saves
- Improvement in short and medium range pass accuracy
- Less short goal kicks from keepers unless asked to in tactics
- Slightly better player turning on ball AI when near own goal
- Less backpasses drifting out for corners
- Fixed certain incidents of central defenders going for unwise attempts to intercept the ball on the wing
- Made condition have a small effect on injury proneness in match
- Toned down long throws

- Pre-game injuries now are set up again.
- Swiss players no longer need work permits to play in the UK.
- Fixed russian players getting transferred far too cheaply.

- Fixed display of custom stadium pictures on match day
- Load list options on player search screen now hidden instead of being disabled for certain sections.”

Gera má ráð fyrir að þetta verði síðasti patchinn frá SIgames fyrir CM, svo að núna bíðum við bara spennt eftir fréttatilkynningunni þeirra í byrjun febrúar um framhaldið.