ljóð á ensku, eftir mig, um vinkonu mína sem mér þykir mjög vænt um

You may think you are rotten
that your world is ugly
and that nothing is fair

And you may think that you dont deserve to live.

The world is ugly
the world is rotten
and the world is not fair

But I see the beauty inside you
I see the compassion
you thought you didn have
I see true human emotions
and the struggle that tears you apart

But you are a warrior, the true fighter
of what it is to be alive. Just to stay alive

I see you.

And tho you dont believe me
I one day hope you do…

Because then maybe…

You can accept the fact,
that you deserve so much more.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”