This is the suicide season
We fight and cry to try to find a reason
In dark times where hope seems to fade away
We must fight, fight all day
to beat this season, the season of suicides
We must fight, fight from all sides

bara smá pæling um hvað ykkur finnst? :D

Bætt við 25. október 2008 - 00:36
smáá villa í uppsetningu

This is the suicide season
We fight and cry to try to find a reason
In dark times where hope seems to fade away
We must stick together and fight all day
to beat this season, the season of suicides
We must fight, fight from all sides

þetta er raunverulega útgáfan…

ég hef tekið eftir því að fólk er ekki mikið að commenta á þessum korkum
What's that left hand? Right hand sucks? Word!