Eftirfarandi er texti við black/death metal lag sem ég samdi og verður tekið upp vonandi einhvern tíma á árinu. Var ekki alveg viss hvort þetta væri rétti staðurinn til að pósta þetta en ákvað samt að setja það hér.
Í stuttu máli fjallar það um alla þá heimskulegu hluti og illskuverk sem framin hafa verið í nafni trúarinnar. Þrátt fyrir að textinn sé ekki einskorðaður við kristna trú tók ég talsvert mið af því sem til dæmis spænski rannsóknarrétturinn gerði á sínum tíma.
Allt lagið er “guð” að tala nema á þeim stöðum þar sem gæsalappir eru. Þar eru það mennirnir og mun ég fá sópran söngkonu til að syngja þá kafla.
Vinsamlegast haldið öllum barnalegum kommentum í lágmarki, ég póstaði þetta ekki til að skapa rifrildi varðandi trúarbrögð….að minnsta kosti ekki hér.

Look at the skies
and worship me
to feed the creature, crawling, digging deep inside of thee

Fall to your knees
and love me
love me for pestilence and and war and death and famine

Come forth my child
and follow me
in blind submission to your fear of all that might be

To walk without me is to walk alone in misery
and he who does so shall never be free

I am the light
of celestial planes
a faint illusion of a savior when all seems in vain

I am the dark
when the light is nigh
that strikes without a word of warning just to see you die

Your only hope
is to worship me
and sacrifice the only thing I ever gave to thee

Fall to your knees
and love me
love me for all I´ve done unto thee

“…done unto me
Father, I´ll give you my life
I´d bleed myself dry just for you
Our love is eternal and I´m on my knees
so please let me have my release”

Dance my puppets, entertain
those who don´t will all be slain
So hunt them with the strength I give
and kill them so that you may live

Go forth and hunt out the vermin
go, purge the earth of disbelief

March forth with malice and the name of your god
the stars of the night sky will be stained with their blood
Your brothers and sisters, children, women and men
will plead for death before the end

“Master, I´m yours to command
beyond good and evil I stand
My body´s a temple but temples do fall
so my spirit will answer your call”

Find the creature´s fornicating whore
let her taste the flames forevermore
And rip it from her fetid cunt
the bastard child of daemonkind

March forth with malice and the name of your god
the stars of the night sky will be stained with their blood
The most dangerous enemy of all is within
so surgically remove the sin

Your brothers and sisters, children, women and men
sinners and sodomizers wait for the end
And if you should hesitate to strike bear in mind
it´s all for the good of mankind

Hide in the dark
wear proudly my mark
Take shelter in light
to continue the fight
My knights of the sky
salvation is nigh
So do as I say
but not in my way
Anger and greed
and the primeval need
Deny yourself love
for heaven above
For I am the answer
I am the truth
And you are the slave
my innocent youth
You´re expendable,
a carpenter´s tool
You´re one of a kind
a hell of a kind
You´ll scour the earth
in search for the truth
but you live for the lies
the children of the skies

Children of the skies

And for eternity you´ll fly
Ljósmyndasíðan mín: