þetta er tilraun til þess að gera ljóð, fyrsta skiptið mitt fannst ég bara þurfa fá eitthverja útrás, pointers og gagngrýni er vel þegin :)..

She has the most beautiful eyes
and gorgeous smile
that I could not forget.

her lovely skin
and amorous body
I found hard to resist.

everyone has flaws
no one is perfect
she just had perfect flaws

I wanted her so bad
to be able to hold her so dearly
to kiss her passionately each day
to know I had someone of my own
that I could love and protect.

but as my dream ended
and I came back to reality
shy and scared
I faced my demons
and went for my dream

rejected again…
my dreams crushed
depressed and alone
stubborn and not giving up
my hope is not broken
as I hope I get you one day
and I only have the dream in my mind
and a bleeding hole in my heart.