That monday I'll never forget
Yeah, I'll never forget how I cried
I'll never forget how you died

You were only walking across the street
you had tolde me you were mine to keep

Ohh, how I cried
ohh, how I cried when the car crashed

The driver stoped and my heart jumpet of anger and sorrow
I ran to you and hugged you close
You weren't dead jet

Ohh how I remeber those words you said
those word you said before you died
“I love you” was what you told me
You also told me to hold you

I cred so much my eyes were red
I looked at the ambulance commin'
by that time you weren't breathing
But somehow the doctors saved you

But now then again you never speaked again
You're soft voice was gone
You still can't speak
How can you not remember me?

Why did this happen there and then
Now the oly thing you do is watching the walls

You don't want to hug me
You don't want to speak
But you're still mine to keep

jája´ekki væla útaf stafsetningunni xD (ég veit að mikið er vitlaust skrifað)
Og man ekki hvænar ég skrifaði það heldu
Nei, ég kann ekki stafsetningu.