Þetta er í raun texti en ekki ljóð en þar sem ég veit ekki um neinn stað á huga þar sem þetta ætti betur við enþá þá set ég þetta bara hér..

Þessi texti er tiltölulega nýsaminn, eða var þýddur af íslenskum texta eftir mig nýlega same thing, textinn breyttist það mikið við það, svo það gætu verið villur þarna og ef þær eru þarna þá meigiði endilega hundskamma mig fyrir þær þar sem ég á að vera löngu búin að læra þetta!

Þ.e. Skítkast og önnur gagngríni er vel þegin ^^

The haze gets thicker, darkness is falling on,
the danger is surrounding me, it dosen´t go away..
Which is the right way now?
What the hell could I do?

Even behind closed and locked doors,
you can hear a little cry, and fear takes over me..

Finally when I fall asleep, the dream begins..

But it happenend to be a nightmare,
some damed nightmare,

We were two over there,
Two little scared girls..
I had told her anything,
About him the abuse and everything.

Then he came in and we knew what he wanted,
He came in and went for me!
She protected me, she yelled at him,
She was there for me and now he would hurt her!

The haze gets thicker, darkness is falling on,
the danger is surrounding me, it dosen´t go away..
Which is the right way now?
What the hell could I do?

Suddenly this bravery, it took over me!
I knew what to do, even thought he was,
bigger and stronger than I, I didn´t hestlitate,
I wouldin´t hesitate when he beated me,
He hit me, I didn´t care, couldn´t feel pain,
He would let her be, he had to let her go..

She ran away to get some help,
the help came and I never,
never ever saw him again..

But it was just a dream,
some damed dream,
That didn´t go away…
That became a nightmare,
That turned back to a dream,
That became a hope!

Because the dream came true,
and you can see how,
I did as the dream told me, I told on him!

The doors are still closed and locked well,
but from the save you won´t hear any crying..

No fear, new life, without him..

The haze is dissappearing, darkness it goes away,
the danger is leaving, it was afraid of me!
Which is the wrong way now?
Whats impossible?

To him, who knows well, from who, and why..
What is home again?