hér 1 eftir mig það heitir úttreðslan:

Im walking down the street late at night
Me and my bitch were having a fight
I see a cheap whore she has a lot make
I fuck her so deep that my dick starts to break
On my way out the bitch starts to shout
Then finally i found out she was a boyscout
The boyscout was crying horribly loud
it wasn't my buisness so i called Mike Dowd
Then finally i went home scratching my nuts
laying on the sofa slapping my kids bloody butts
Little johny says “stop or i'll bite”
I spank him again, and there goes my pride

vil ég koma hér að ljóði eftir félaga minn sem þorir ekki að pósta sjálfur:
Goodbye Öldusel
I´m not happy because
this is crappy rap.
With a bat of a rat.
School was a big fool
but a lot of tools.
The Cube was lazy
and dazy mazy.
With a crazy dick tracy.
And the urban burban
was a great turban.
But I´m leaving
with a great greaving
for a not so happy
-mjög hjartnæmt finnst mér.