ef einhver gæti sagt mér hvernig hann túlkar þetta væri það frábært…

we seek redemption
to find a silence witin
a dreaming state
a place to feel hate
we need to release
we have to find peace
some like terror
and some like to error
this life is a bitch
and death is a wish
a fistfull of steel
that we want to feel
just to feel something
because we're tierd of nothing

never alone
always undone
an empty space
i hope you relate

i seek the comfort
to silence the voice
the voice that remains
the voice that loves pain
it eco's through
to some but for few…
the damage for fun
and we hate the sun
we don't want to see
that we aren't free
and for those who care
we can not be fair
we always complain
and never explain
what ill's us the most
is the craving to roast