Þetta er enskt ljóð sem ég samdi.
Þetta er fullkominn skáldskapur (sem sagt ekki um neinn eða neitt í raunveruleikanum sem ég veit um eða þekkji til)

sick of lies
sick of drugs
sick of all your nasty thougths
sick of this crazy life
sick of not having no knife

so i say good-bye to all of you
trying not to cry
my head is exploting because of you
and all your dirty lies

i try to find a big sharp knife
to slit my wrist
when i find it i can't do it
and still i can't resist

when i have enough strength to take the knife
slit my wrist and cut this life
The whole life flashes in front of me
and i don't really want to see

So i sit here alone in the dark
waiting for the reaper
My wrist is open and blood everywhere
I'm still waiting, i'm still here