Eins og þið öll sjáið þá er ég svoldið mikið reiður, enda helvíti góð ástæða til. Ég mun öruglega sjá eftir að hafa sent þetta inn, en svona einusinni í lífi mínu ættla ég að stjórnast eftir tilfinningum mínum, reiði.

Ég vona svo innilega að þú sem þetta er samið um lesir þetta, ég veit að þú kemur hingað, oft, oft.

Þetta verður það seinasta sem ég beini að þér, þú verður gleymd, þú verður ekki til fyrir mér.

You, oh you
you know who you are
yes you
I dated you for a long time
you fucking you
you broke up with me
just because
killed everything felt
just because
It still wasnt fucking over
oh no it wasnt over
few months later
you came crawling back
wanted my advice
wanted me to listen
to your venom words
told me what you did
told me you broke your promise
with out knowing it you said
who gives a fuck
you did it
you broke it
you hurt me
you destroyed the little trust I had
still I was blind
I forgave
I ignored
you and I became a we
again I fucking lost it
I didnt know what I had done
I was blind
You then did it again
hurt me
ended me
killed me
then you moved away
went away from me again
I was so pleased
more than you know
more than I told you
ever since
I hear more about you
what you did
the promise broken again
three times you have broken it
three times to often
three times I know of
the simple promise
do not touch my friends
I am angry oh I am so angry
before I was just depressed
before I was just sad
before I blamed us
now I blame you
I did everything to please you
I never hurt you
untill now
I am fucking angry
I hope I will never see you again
I hope I will never hear your name again
I wish I had never smiled when I saw you
I wish I had never noticed you
I wish you and I would have never met
You are worthless
You are nothing