I think I'm a mistake
Brought to life just to be miserable
All these thoughts are the consequences from you
Don't worry, you'll be sorry
Haven't you heard of a thing called carma?
What you give is what you'll get, my old friend
In the end

You leave me in pain day after day
You leave me in tears time after time
And you've scarred me for life, I have changed forever
And what for?
Because you're insecure and I don't know why

Is it ‘cause you’re jealous?
I doubt that but it's got to be something
All these years shared and then nothing left from you, not a word
I'm not saying I miss you
but I don't know if anything matters now
I want to leave and I don't think I will be missed I'm no one

You leave me in pain day after day
You leave me in tears time after time
And you've scarred me for life, I have changed forever
And what for?
Because you're insecure and I don't know why

Like a storm everything collapsed
overnight and now every thing's changed
Nothing will ever be the same, my life is over


Okey, svona eftir á að hyggja kann þetta að hljóma svolítið “emo”, en mér líður samt ekki svona núna, þetta er samið um einelti sem ég varð fyrir síðustu árin mín í grunnskóla frá stelpum sem ég hélt að væru vinkonur mínar.
Þetta er kannski engin langt frá því að vera snilld en mér leið miklu betur eftir að ég samdi þetta því þetta lýsir tilfinningum mínum á þessum tíma vel.
Ég finn til, þess vegna er ég