Texti sem ég samdi útaf ýmsum tilfinningum sem að ég hef.

You have
No idea how many tears have fallen because of you
How much work it’s been
Trying to get my shit together again
But I guess that’s all behind you now
You’ve forgotten all of this somehow
Although these feelings may never go away
I’m not gonna stay
Gotta move on
Can’t stay in this shithole till the end
Wonder how it’ll be in the future
What I just couldn’t defend
Can’t get rid of this creature
Am I being incredibly selfish
Or giving it all away?

What no one knew
Is out in the open
Like a bird that flew
And is now in the distance
So if you wanna prevent it all
You just can’t fall
Because you know I love you
Even when you’re sound asleep

New start on a new year
Forget all the confusion and fear
Erase all the nights so alone and cold
Now that they’ve finally come to unfold
I don’t care that much anymore
Gotta be realistic
Before, when I was so sore
It was all so mystic
Now it’s all so crystal clear

What no one knew
Is out in the open
Like a bird that flew
And is now in the distance
So if you wana prevent it all
You just can’t fall
Because even though I loved you
I’m not so sure anymore

Endilega gefið álit.
Takk, takk

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