Þetta er ljóð sem ég samdi fyrir u.þ.b. ári og er ekki ennþá alveg sátt við svo það gengur í gegnum stöðugar breytingar. Það er skrifað á ensku vegna nokkurra orðataka sem ég vildi nota.
Öll gagnrýni vel þegin.
Memories of faceless strangers
accumulate in my head.
With each one I have to wonder,
is it maybe you I'm seeing?
What a wonderful life we could've led
Would I be given the chance to know you.
I would never cry for the moments we had-
I give my pearls for every memory I won't share with you.

Is it hopeless to search for you in the hearts of others?
To add details to a face I know not the outline of?
My memory knows no your name,
but my soul is reaching out for you.
Is this longing futile?
To yearn for the warm touch of someone
who will never be by my side?
Still my being is bursting with hope.

In my mind I keep a collection of your picture.
At least I hope it's you.
Should we meet in the street,
passing by each other like strangers
I hope my heart will know it's you
and reach out to you on butterfly wings,
carried by the faintest breath of wind.
Me finding you gets more hopeful;
With every act of kindness,
with every gentle word,
with every loving embrace,
with every searching gaze,
I have to wonder…
“Against boredom, the gods themselves struggle in vain.” — Nietzsche