Do you

I ask do you

I hope

For I truly do
I wake up thinking of you
And I ask
is my love repaid

How I feel
I never felt before
like I've been givin' wings
like weigth as been taken of me

I look at the sun the moon
but your beauty is greater

I could not live with out you
What will i do

Can a people die from broken hearts
If not, i will be the first

Oh love, how it is
madness of the mind
sickness of the heart

I can't eat
I can't sleep
I can't think

And I don't care

For I meet you.
Even if I lived for million years
I would never fell the same again
never meet a girl like you
never find heaven on earth

Tell me
I beg
Tell me
Let me not stand in the dark
rather I want broken heart
and heavy breath
Tell me
Is my love repaid