I am the tear of dawn
I am the morning rain
I am the future, the present, the past

I am a part of this world
I am a part of you
I am a part of our gods

I want to be more
I want to be greater
I want to be it all

What am I, but a nail in someones foot
A nightmare in someones dream

And I fear, what I will do
I fear what I have not done
I fear my life,
And I watch it, go around, around, around
Into the abyss.

I am the toilet water of my world
Flushed away, when it's been used

I am the snow, coming, to melt away

I am love, lifing for it's moment
and nothing more

I am death
Strike into your life
leaving scars on your soul

This and more I am
Much much more

And like the great man said
the words that gave me fear
gave believe in death
and bad things
The words that took my colorful life
and smudged it on a frame

All good things come to an end

meaning our ways together are not meant to be
are not to be