“Ég gerði þá mistök að semja sorgar-ástar ljóð í félagsmiðstöð, þar sem allir geta ekki látið mann í friði. Svo var ég að reyna að finna endi, svo ég lagði ljóðið mitt á borðið, faldi það undir fullt af lausum blöðum, og fór til vina minna og spurði um endi og þegar ég kom aftur þá var það horfði, svo daginn eftir horfði ég á strákinn sem ég var að semja ljóðið um, og samdi annað um hvernig mig leið þann morgun”

Who found my letter?
It would have been so much better,
If I could have told you my self, or I think so,
but If I would, It would have come out wrong, and everyone you know like: I'll blow.
Just lost it Wednesday night,
when I had fight,
with myself and family,
but everything was In harmony.
Why didn't you tell, everything was fake,
cause everything I love, on the always brake,
maybe my heart aint huge, big or large,
but I know that, to get In you don't have to charge,
wanna be there with you,
For you I'd do,
any thing,
I'd also sing.
Things would not be like this today,
If I would have found out, but It's hard to say,
you're all that I want to have In my life,
just give me a knife,
and I'll cut my self,
or wake up at twelve.
Ypu don't know that I agsist,
and oh my god, when I think of this I wanna cut my rist,
just slap me in the face,
then It isin't a case.
Why can't everything be like before I knew?
That you didn't have a thing for me, at least I flew,
Im so sorry to know, but my aunt told me, what she heard,
and because of that I feal like such a nurd!
And I just wanna tell you this, even thoug the glory,
is gone, I just wanna tell you Im sorry.