Stand beside you one more time, look into your eyes and try to forget evreything!
We´r together one last time!
I konw you better then I know myself, and you know me and the way I am, but still we´r strangers just stuck in a fucked up situation!!!
You´r nothing but a stranger
who´s eyes i know to well
You´r nothing but a memory in the past
I´m running away but i just can´t move and i kinda want to stay i see your smile, and i close my eyes there´s notthing more to say!
You´r nothing but a stanger
who´s smile i can´t forget
You´r nothing but a memory i had
As I look at you for the very last time
Just like the picture in my head
As I try forget and run like hell
I see your smile again
As I look into your eyes….
….I realize
We´r nothing but strangers that forgot to say goodbye