Þetta er ljóð en útfært í lag…..kannski einhverjar stafsetningavillur en látið mig þá bara vita af þeim :p

I miss you so bad
I whis that you could be here
I know why you´re so mad
I was so in love whit you,I still am

I miss you
why did I go
Why did I leave you
I love you so

This life is so unfear
Or am I so unwear

ah ah ah ah-a

I´v done so many mistaks
I whis I could go back
ooo,I wanna go back
I want to have the normal life I once had

I miss you
why did I go
why did I leave you
I love you so

This life is so unfear
Or am I so unwear

I still miss you so bad
You dont´t want me again, I undrestand
All I want to say is remember me
remamber my love

yeah yeah,ah-a

I whis you could give me one more chanse
I wouldn´t go
I could be there forever
Never leave you again, never

forever, go never
be there forever, forever
I want to have you foreve
"All we have to decide is what we do with the time that is given to us"