Jæja eitt ljóð…..gæti verið stafsetningarvilla en látið mig þá bara vita ;)

I love, I hate
Love is hard but to hate is worse
I wish you where here, right by my site
and tell me that you feel the same
If only you wouldn’t hate me so much
I hope you can forgive me
for all the things I did wrong
And the things I sad to you,
I really wont to love you, but I don’t want to waist my time,
if you don’t feel the same
My time with you was good but to live with you forever
is a dream I’ll never let go
So I pray for your love to be mine
and let me have your heart this time.

Tileinkað sérstakri manneskju……I Loved you hon ;*
"All we have to decide is what we do with the time that is given to us"