After the first sip of sorrow
- start waving bottles free
you're drunk on intensity
- escaping your own sanity
Do U hear the engine hum?
Let those wheels be
U got the numbers so take a fly.

Tangled like a bloody sheet
- scrambled in a monsters hand
catching your misty mind
- scratching flesh and fragile soul
Familiar sound of a familiar world
- headlights rushing through
U should've taken the morning flight.

Do feel your spirit drain?
- empty promise shattering?
You're stumbling in a dusky distance
Don't U hear that cry?
- of the ghosts who lead the way
Are U lost between worlds
U should've flown up from the field.

Now U lay there, in a shallow grave
Feast of friends, staring numb
their eyes glanced in hope
for your soul to find it's peace
- On your spot so narrow
the headstone reads:

“don't drink and drive”
-“smoke and fly”-
juni ‘00.

P.s. Eg er ordin leidur a ad vera ekki med
isl. stafi. Svo eg akvad ad skella inn einu a ensku.
“hope it’s ok” (-;
kv. eipi.