Ég vil að fólk segji mér hvað ég er að segja í ljóðinu…….ekki setja á stafsetnigarvillur

My sad little life……….

Today I am sad, like always,
My life is a totall mess.
It is the same life day after days,
My soul hurts, just like my flesh.
Why cant the people leave me alone,
I am just here, I am not bothering them.
I always try to be respectet and nown,
But I am not allowed, people hate when.
When I am getting some respect,
Cous it isn’t my job to be the best.
My life is just about “reject”
I am rejected, my life is a test.
Everyone want me to fail,
I don’t, I keep going on.
But now I take my stuff and sail,
Sail away from everything………….