Nokkur ljóð sem ég samdi í skólanum, öll á ensku og öll nafnlaus:

Remove from sight all darkness here,
remove from my thoughts all fear.
Never again I´ll come to here,
for here too great is my fear.

In darkness I like it the best
for there my beauties can rest,
rest their muscles and wait for night
cause my beauties fear the light.

Svona la-la enn sem komið er og fjalla ekki um neitt sérstakt, en ég lagði nú heldur ekki mikla vinnu í þessi tvö. Nýjasta stoltið mitt er eftirfarandi:

Mary was a sweet girl´s name,
she loved to smell the flowers,
but one day when she was out
she met a man named Dowers.

He really didn´t love her much,
just wanted her to touch him
when the lay in bed at night
discussing nought and nothing.

Dowers left her when she had
just turned twenty two.

She thougth she had found her true love
but found herself mistaken.
Dowers was a complete ass
with no regards to feelings.

She took her life the morning after.
Hanging in a tree, palce face,
that was how they found her.

Seinustu tvö erindin eru svona “afterthought” eins og maður segir á góðri íslensku.