Please can you listen Please can you listen for a moment can you take an advise from a 22year old firmly shivering drunk Because you are a nice little clean girl can you listen to a 22year old firmly, shivering drunk for a moment. Just for a moment because I´ve had a few of those you little girls call moment. 1.First Never leave a place where you can get clean underweare. 2.Second Never write when you drink because than you are facing the risk to leave your clean underwear. 3.Third Never be a posture in your own head. 4.Forth If you see that some eyes are looking old your have to run like hell and thank some god or yourself for the escape because all those old eyes are filled with pictures and stories so that they can´t listen. Those old eyes never listen. 5.Fifth When you see something filthy do at no point try to understand it, because if you change your filthy scale you might get your hands filled with dirt, blood and love for all the filthy ones do not change your filthyness. 6.Sixht Be sure about your healings because they´re not always sexual. Sometimes they appear like pictures of cold, stupid stones and dirty waterfalls. Belive me sometimes they are appearing like pictures of long dead musicians excuse my spelling. 7.Seventh EXCUSE ME I HAVE TO GO AND PISS AT MY FINGERS 8.Eigth When your have the desire to fuck never fuck a 22year old drunk because you will never get out of there satisfied and you will always try again 9.Nienth. Never read the todays newspaper because than you will never be aware of what is going to happen tomorrow 10. Tenth. If you want a drink go to the movies. If you want to fuck go to the movies. If you want some love go to the movies. If you want to get out being cool go to the movies (they also have the godamn porn there)