Love without hate is like pizza without cheese
No argument in this relationship
I hear you begging me, please

Nothing wrecking, no bondage whip
So I’ll give you a little clue, a tip
force her down on her knees
And fill her mouth with your grease
You motherfucking son of shit

Unperfect Perfect
Perfect Unperfect

The goodness
The sweetness
With no possibilities
The beauty
The neaty
With no originality
The harmless
The charmness
Without the solution
The pitty
It’s shitty
It’s chemical brain pollution

We got the solution
Come have fun with us
We wont try to harm you
‘couse it’s already done
don’t even wonder
do it just because
you want to leave the problem
it’s gone

I’ve always tried to tell you
That flaws make personality
It’s not the great goodness
That enthrilles the curiosity
It’s the perfect unperfect
That beholds the purisity
It’s flaws that controles us
Creating you and me

Unperfect Perfect
Perfect Unperfect
The greatness
The easeness
The false purisity
The chubby
The greedy
That only have money
The heartless
The senseless
That care about nothing
It’s rusty
It’s shitty
It’s so interrupting

We got the solution
Come have fun with us
We wont try to harm you
‘couse it’s already done
don’t even wonder
do it just because
you want to leave the problem
it’s gone

PS: Þetta ljóð var í raun hugsað sem lag fyrir hljómsveit sem vinir mínir eru í svo að ef ykkur finnst þetta vera kjaftæði þá skuluð þið bara meta muninn á einhverjum rokklögum við þetta.

PS2: ef þið eruð ekki góð í ensku þá skuluð þið hafa orðabók við hlið ykkur. Ég held að jafnvel sum orðana séu ekki í flestum orðabókum, bara spunnið út frá öðru orði, reynið þá bara að tengja það þannig. :)
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