Leikjatölvur Í lok ársins kemur vonandi fyrsti exclusive RPG á Nintendo tölvu síðan á Super Nintendo: Tales of Symphonia fyrir GameCube. Í Japan er hægt að kaupa “mint”-litaðan GameCube ásamt leiknum og bonus disc. Þetta segir Gaming Media um leikinn: Score one for Nintendo. This game is one in a million, it’s one of the greatest RPGs to come out this generation and it’s the best Tales game yet. It’s about time a developer gave Nintendo the break it needs. The importance of this game will be felt in the near future for it’s the first time in years a major developer took a chance with Nintendo. Namco didn’t just release a pseudo-sequel like Square-Enix did, they actually revolutionized their popular franchise and they did it only for Nintendo. Thank you, Namco.