Fréttin er tekin af <a href="“> Cube-Europe </a> en þar eru líka nánari upplýsingar um leikinn.

Activision hafa tilkynnt það að <i> Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions </i> sé á leið í Nintendo GameCube. Orðrómur fór að spretta viðsvegar um netið að leikurinn væri ”Cube bound“ og svo virðist vera sem það sé rétt. Leikurinn mun láta sjá sig í Evrópu þann 15. nóvember.

<ul> Valmöguleikarnir eru:
<li> Life-Threatening Missions </li>
<li> Talk about a killer commute </li>
<li> Choose a story </li>
<li> Mix it up in fully interactive environments </li>
<br><br><i> ”What if everything you see is more than what you see, the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps it really is a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things.“ </i>
<b> -Shigeru Miyamoto </b>

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