Fyrir skömmu voru orðrómar í gangi um nýjan Contra leik, en Konami hafa aldrei viljað staðfesta hann.

Samkvæmt EuroGamer.net hefur Konami nú tilkynnt að ný útgáfa af Contra sé á leiðinni á GameCube, undir því einfalda nafni “New Contra”.

<i>Last week we heard that Contra was heading to the PlayStation 2, but Konami has so far failed to confirm that for us. This week, it seems that the company has announced a new Contra game for the Nintendo GameCube. “New Contra” is the game’s actual title, and this potentially multi-platform shoot ‘em up extravaganza is likely to show up in Japan towards the end of the year.</i>

Lesið fréttina <a href="http://www.eurogamer.net/news.php?id=20833“>hér</a>.<br><br><hr size=”1“>
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