Hér má finna VF4 <a href="http://www.psxextreme.com/scripts/reviews2/review.asp?revID=122“>Review </a>
rýni. Þeir segja leikinn mjög góðan. Hann segir screenshottin vera léleg eingöngu vegna þess að S-Video var illa tengt þegar hann tók myndirnar sjálfar.Um grafíkina segja þeir þetta:

”The graphics in the game…wow, where do I begin? For starters, I'd like to inform Team Ninja of one thing; what they said about DOA3 for PS2 (how it can't be made) is a horse load of crap. It really is. The graphics match and excel over DOA3's, specifically speaking, the character details. As was the clothing in DOA3, in VF4 you can see the strands of cotton, or string, or the meshing, which proves the clothing and the body they rest on, are different textures that are formed of their own unique polygons. Polygonal clipping with the hair, clothing, and overall collision detection is nearly flawless. The fighters themselves, are composed of 10,000 polygons each, which makes this the most detailed fighter on the market, as rough estimates indicated that DOA3's most detailed character featured only 8000-8500 polygons"

Obobbobb, voru Team Ninja að ljúga?:
<br><br><i> I´m telling you, the world is a sphere.

Sphere </i