Tekið af Gamespot Wii Forums. http://www.gamespot.com/events/wiilaunch/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=25207191

"This is no joke, take a look at this:

Altered Beast (MD) (800pts) (Classic/Gamecube)
Bomberman 93 (TG16) (600pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
Bonk's Adventure (TG16) (600pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
Donkey Kong (NES) (500pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
Donkey Kong Country (SNES) (800pts) (Classic/Gamecube)
Dungeon Explorer (TG16) (600pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
Ecco The Dolphin (MD) (800pts) (Classic/Gamecube)
F-Zero (SNES) (800pts) (Classic/Gamecube)
Golden Axe (MD) (800pts) (Classic/Gamecube)
Mario Bros (NES) (500pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
Sonic The Hedgehog (MD) (800pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
Super Mario 64 (N64) (1000pts) (Classic/Gamecube)
Super Star Soldier (TG16) (600pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
The Legend Of Zelda (NES) (500pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
Victory Run (TG16) (600pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)
Wario's Woods (NES) (500pts) (Classic/Gamecube/Wii Remote)

We're sure you'll agree that it's a fine selection of games and it's pleasing news that we're getting Donkey Kong Country before the US. We've already downloaded some of these games and interestingly you can play Bomberman 93 with five players using a combination of Wii Remotes and N64 controllers.

Of course Nintendo will be releasing more Virtual Console games throughout December and we'll let you know as soon as a new title becomes available for download.

This was taken from http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk, man I cant wait for Donkey Kong!!"

Á þetta þá ekki líka við um Ísland? :)